Thursday 29 July 2010

Courgette and gorgonzola tagliatelle

The courgettes have started and the main thing preoccupying me at the moment is how to use them up. Each year I seem to fight a losing battle.

With about ten already in the veg rack, tonight I decided to make a quick dish as we had a meeting of the village hall committee.

We took Baby JB and she chewed my hand throughout the whole of the meeting. On the way home we popped in to the 'Oss for a quick drink. Much to hubs consternation the real ale was off.

So, it was meant to be a courgette, walnut and gorgonzola sauce but I couldn't find the walnuts I had purchased earlier. (I found them this morning in the fridge!)

It was fine. A bit to much pasta but the chucks will like the leftovers. Had withe some french bread and a tomato side salad with home grown leaves.

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Broad bean and roquefort risotto

It's been a long time.

This year I lost my mother and also set off on a major remodel of the house. With one thing and another I ahven't done that much cooking. In the last two weeks, I've held a couple of dinner parties as we finally have something like a dining room back.

Particularly during the rewire the house was so bad that we upped sticks and went to the pub. Today the decorators are in.

So, normality slowly returning, it's time to start the blog again.

Hubs and I haven't been to the plot much and the garden is a jungle but we have grown some broad beans so last night I made a broadbean and roquefort risooto.. Frankly it was very salty but we sat on the patio and ate it. The Squire joined us for a Speckled Hen whilst our new puppy, Baby JB, ran round the garden with Bo and Jet.

We had one of next doors hens broody under a bush in our garden, but they have taken her away.