Sunday 24 January 2010

Sunday 24th January 2010 Mushroom & nut wellington

Sunday started late as I had spent most of the day either sleeping or reading in bed. Hubs even brought me breakfast in bed and stated it wasn't worth getting up as the weather was poor.

About four I got up, and asked husband what he wanted for dinner. He had looked through one of my scrapbooks of recipes and chose a nut and mushroom wellington that had appeared in the Co-operative members' mag last year.

As most of the supermarkets were shut we head to the Co-op at Creswell for the bits we needed. What we couldn't buy there, we bought at Spar. However I had to substitute cream sherry for the Marsala - I don't know anywhere nearby that would sell that.

The recipe is quite long as it involves slow cooking onions and also the mushrooms. But it is simple to make and tastes nice.

I made an accompanying sauce from shallots, red wine, stock, cranberry jelly and Henderson's Relish, as well as huge Yorkies!

On the plate, everything just looks kind of brown. It was served with roast parsnips that were postively caramelly, roast potatoes, carrots, swede and sprouts. But we liked it. A traditional veggie Sunday lunch at none o'clock at night.

Just for the record, I also made a celery and celeriac soup from the slightly sad vegg left over from last week. It will go in our lunchboxes next week.

On Monday I had a meeting, so we just ate a McSween's Haggis, and on Tuesday, time caught up with me so we had the Wellington again.

We also ordered some chickens!

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