Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Wednesday 27th January 2010 Spinach pancakes and mushrooms

Spinach and nutmeg. What is it that they are made so much for one another.
I love nutmeg. I suppose when I was little the only time I had nutmeg was on egg custard or maybe rice pudding. Nowadays if its cheese sauce, aubergine or spinach, nutmeg has to be involved.
Up until about six years ago I would grate nutmeg with my finest grater. Then I visited Rheged!
Rheged - just off the M1 on my way to Allerdale or Copeland.
I was planning a St george's Day dinner and needed some unusual English cheeses. I had raided the local farm shops for real sage Derby, tasty Lancashire, even a bit of Dorset Blue Vinney. However I was working in the West lakes and I had driven up with two of the lads from work. We'd finished our meeting and the buffet had failed to arrive. Wanting to be back home, we decided to stopp off at this Rheged place we had seen on the way up. Someone had said they did good food.
I can't recall precisely, but we might have paid £8 for a parsnip soup and a roll. But then came the food shop attached. There were more obscure English cheeses than you could shake the proverbial stick at. The best was a deliciously gooey specimen called Stinking Bishop. With a name like that how could one not buy it? Plus there were English wines a dozen and other delicacies. Maybe I'll write about the St George's dinner another time. What this is really about is my nutmeg grater.
Peugeot designed!! For a Formula One fan, this was a must. A perspex gobe with the grinding mechanism in the centre and designed so you could show off your whole nutmegs in the upper hemisphere. The price was ridiculous - on the potato masher scale - but it was duly purchased and has been a source of joy ever since. Even when it clogs up. You can see my pride and joy to the right of the mushroom and spinach pancakes I made tonight.

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